Giftbringer – A Series of 12 Books

…. 4 Books Available Now

Original Version


• Originally published in a single volume, the present series enlarges and expands on the first edition and is now a sequence of twelve books, of which the first four volumes are now in print, with the rest to follow shortly.


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Ordering Information

The First Four – Available Now on Amazon



Giftbringer: The Story of Young St. Nicholas
Book 1: Desires of Childhood

ISBN-13: 978-1721221240
ISBN-10: 1721221247

To Order Book 1 – Click Here







Giftbringer: The Story of Young St. Nicholas
Book 2: Yearnings of Youth

ISBN-10: 1729561489
ISBN-13: 978-1729561485

To Order Book 2 – Click Here






Giftbringer: The Boy Bishop
Book 3: Jerusalem


To Order Book 3 – Click Here







Giftbringer: The Boy Bishop
Book 4: Myra and Rome

Paperback and Kindle
ISBN-10: 1704011388
ISBN-13: 978-1704011387

To Order Book 4 – Click Here